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How to get a Pikablue
Where to get all the Legendary Birds
Start with 3 starter Pokemon
How to clone a Pokemon
Get any Pokemon (Game Shark)
Get any item (Game Shark)
Fight any level Pokemon(Game Shark)
Other Game Shark codes
Get any attack for your first Pokemon (Game Shark)
Pass through walls
Change the level of your Pokemon

How to get a Pikablue
The first way is to get a Raichu to level 99 and give it a water stone. This has not been tried, so it may not work.

The second way requires two Game Boys and a link cable. Capture a Pikachu and DO NOT give it any HM's or TM's. Trade your Pikachu back and forth between Game Boys ten or more times. This has been tried, and it works.


     MOLTRES: Victory rd.

     ARTICOONO: Seafoam islands (put one boulder in each hole)

    ZAPDOS: Power plant

Start With 3 Starter Pokemon-

                                    Requires: 2 linkable game boy systems, 2 pokemon
                                    games (any color), and a game link cable NOTE: Make
                                    sure that Game Boy B takes Bulbasaur to start and
                                    then you'll see the rest of the code below.

                                    1. Start a new game with Game Boy A

                                    2. Go to Prof. Oak and get Squirtle

                                    3. Go to nearest pokemon center and trade squirtle to
                                    Game Boy B

                                    4. Start new game with Game Boy A

                                    5. Repeat 2-4

                                    6. Go to Prof.. Oak and get Charmander

                                    7. Go to nearest pokemon center and trade
                                    Charmander to Game Boy B

                                    8. Start new game with Game Boy A

                                    9. Repeat 6-8

                                    10. Go to Prof. Oak and get Bulbasaur

                                    Game Boy B should have 2 Squirtles and 2
                                    Charmanders, so trade one of each back to Game Boy A


                You need: 2 gameboys, 2 pokemon games, and a link cable
                           step 1: Go into the trade center
 step 2: One person pick the pokemon to be cloned the other pick a bad pokemon(you will lose
                                  this pokemon)
   step 3: when the last Waiting sign disappears turn off the gameboy that picked the better
                        step 4: Then turn off the other gameboy
         step 5: Turn both back on-both gameboys should have the better pokemon!!

(the x's are where the pokemon's number is going to go)

Chamander = BO      Nidoking = 04
Bulbasuar = 99            Pysduck = 80
Squirtle = B3               Parasect = 41
Mew = 15                   Draganite = 83
Evee = 66
Vapoureon = 68
Flareon = 67
Jolteon = 69
Moltres = 49
Zapdos = 50
Articoono = 48
Sandshrew = 61
Sandslash =  0F
Missingno = 00
Chamealoen = B4
Charzard = B1
Vulpix = 53
Ninetails = 64


01--7CCF  fill in the blank with the number of the item below

01 master ball       02 ultra ball       03 great ball       04 pokeball       0A moon stone      0B Antidote       0C Burn Heal

0D ice heal       0E awakening      0F paralyze heal    10 full restore     11 max potion      12 hyper potion   13 super potion

14 potion     1D escape rope     1E repel     20 fire stone      21 thunder stone    22 water stone     23 HP up

24 protein      25 iron     26 carbos      27 calcium     28 rare candy      2E X accuracy     2F leaf stone      31 nugget

32 pp up      33 pokedoll      34 full heal     35 revive      36 max revive       37 guard spec     38 super repel

39 max repel      3A dire hit     3B coin      3C fresh water     3D soda pop     3E lemonade   41 X attack    42 X defend

43 X speed      44 X special     4B Exp. all       4F PP up     50 ether     51 max ether     52 elixer     53 max elixer

C9  TM 01      CA  TM 02       CB  TM 03      CD  TM 05         CE  TM 06       CF  TM 07       D0  TM 08

D1  TM 09      D2 TM 10   D3 TM 11   D4 TM 12   D5 TM 13   D6 TM 14   D7 TM 15

D8 TM 16   D9 TM 17   DA TM 18    DB TM 19   DC TM 20   DD TM 21   DE TM 22

DF TM 23   E0 TM 24    E1 TM 25   E2 TM 26   E3 TM 27    E4 TM 28   E5 TM 29   E6 TM 30

E7 TM 31    E8 TM 32    E9 TM 33   EA TM 34   EB TM 35   EC TM 36   ED TM 37   EE TM 38

EF TM 39   F0 TM40    F1 TM 41   F2 TM 42    F3 TM 43    F4 TM 44    F5 TM 45    F6 TM 46

F7 TM 47   F8 TM 48    F9 TM 49   FA TM 50


Lv.5  010527d1   Lv.10  010a27d1   Lv.15  010f27d1   Lv. 20 011427d1   Lv. 30 011e27d1

Lv. 40 012827d1   Lv.50  013227d1   Lv.75  014b27d1   Lv.99  016327d1

No wild pokemon battles: 01033cd1

1st Pokemon In Battle Codes

Infinite PP (1st Position) 01282DD05

Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01282ED06

Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01282FD07

Infinite PP (4th Position) 012830D08

Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??1CD09

Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??1DD010

Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??1ED011

Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??1FD012

1st Pokemon Out Of Battle Codes

Infinite PP (1st Position) 01FF88D113

Infinite PP (2nd Position) 01FF89D114

Infinite PP (3rd Position) 01FF8AD115

Infinite PP (4th Position) 01FF8BD116

Skill Modifier (1st Position) 01??73D117

Skill Modifier (2nd Position) 01??74D118

Skill Modifier (3rd Position) 01??75D119

Skill Modifier (4th Position) 01??76D120

Level Modifier 01??8CD121

Max HP Modifier (Smaller) 01??8ED122

Max HP Modifier (Larger) 01??8DD123

Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 01??90D124

Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 01??8FD125

Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 01??92D126

Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 01??91D127

Max Speed Modifier (Smaller) 01??94D128


01 - Pound

02 - Karate Chop 03 - Double Slap 04 - Comet Punch

05 - Mega Punch 06 - Pay Day

07 - Fire Punch 08 - Ice Punch 09 - Thunder Punch

0A - Scratch 0B - Vice Grip

0C - Guillotine 0D - Razor Wind 0E - Swords Dance

0F - Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing Attack 12 - Whirl Wind

13 - Fly 14 -Bird 15 - Slam 16 - Vine Whip

17 - Stomp 18 - Double Kick 19 - Mega Kick

1A -Jump Kick 1B - Rolling Kick

1C - Sand Attack 1D - Head Butt 1E - Horn Attack

1F - Fury Attack 20 - Horn Drill 21 - Tackle 22 - Body Slam

23 -Wrap 24 - Take Down 25 - Thrash

26 - Double Edge 27 - Tail Whip 28 - Poison Sting

29 - Twin Edge 2A - Pin Missile 2B - Leer 2C - Bite 2D - Growl

2E- Roar 2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic 31 - Sonicboom 32 - disable 33 -Acid 34 - Ember

35 - Flamethrower 36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun 38 -Hydro Pump 39 - Surf

3A - Ice Beam 3B - Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D -Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora Beam

3F - Hyper Beam 40 - Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 -Submission 43 - Low Kick

44 - Counter 45 - Seismic Toss 46 - Strength 47- Absorb 48 - Mega Drain

49 - Leech Seed 4A - Growth 4B - Razor Leaf 4C- Solar Beam 4D - Poisonpowder

4E - Stun Spore 4F - Sleep Powder 50 - Petal Dance 51 - String Shot

52 - Dragon Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 -Thundershock 55 - Thunderbolt

56 - Thunder Wave 57 - Thunder 58 - Rock Throw 59 - Earthquake 5A - Fissure

5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D - Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F- Hypnosis 60 - Meditate

61 - Agility 62 - Quick Attack 63 - Rage 64 -Teleport 65 - Night Shade

66 - Mimic 67 - Screech 68 - Double Team 69 -Recover 6A - Harden 6B - Minimize

6C - Smoke Screen 6D - Confuse Ray 6E -Withdraw 6F - Defense Curl 70 - Barrier

71 - Light Screen 72 - Haze 73 - Reflect 74 -Focus Energy 75 - Hide

76 - Metronome 77 - Mirror Move 78 -Selfdestruct 79 - Egg Bomb 7A - Lick

7B - Smog 7C - Sludge 7D - Bone Club 7E - FireBlast 7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp

81 - Swift 82 - Skull Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84 -Constrict 85 - Amnesia

Odish = BA

PASS THrOUG WALLS!! (ouch!!!)

I have tried this code and it DOES work.

Punch in the code 01A47CCF and buy the Item called Nickname?? (It's expensive, so you may want to use this code along with
the infinite money code.). Then, go to a wall an get next to it while facing down. Select the Nickname?? and hit B when the Select
Pokemon screen appears. A bunch of pokemon should be at the left side of the screen. If you're on the Right side ofthe wall,
press left on the control pad (Vice versa if you're on the right side, of course). Then, press start and go to your pokemon list. Exit
the menu and you should be standing on the wall! Go either left or right to get off the wall. NOTE: You were never meant to pass
through certain walls in the game, therefore when you pass through the wall, thescreen will go blank. Don't worry, though, for as
far as I know that won't mess up the saved game. However, I tried the code once and it did delete my game. All I did was turn
the game off and then on again and I got the game back, so this code really won't do much damage. Nevertheless, Use it at your
own risk!


                                          Lv.5: 010527d1
                                         Lv.10: 010a27d1
                                          Lv.20: 011427d1
                                          Lv.30: 011e27d1
                                          Lv.40: 012827d1
                                          Lv.50: 013227d1
                                          Lv.75: 014b27d1
                                          Lv.99: 016327d1

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