15:05 EDT - Hello it's me again and I'm very very sorry I havent updated in the past couple of months but I accidently deleted my site stuff so i couldn't upgrade at all but I'm getting new stuff now and hoping for tons of new stuff thanx! I have also added thees buttons to the site  this will take you back in the list of sites (there's an order of pages on my website) and this will take you foward in the list depending on where you are, and this one will take you back to this page from the page you are on you also may notice that there are links to all my catogories at the top and bottom of each page if you want to go to a specific catagorie this one will take you there THANX! and please keep these hit's comming you guys are awsome!!!!

22:30 EST - I've joined yet another top sites list, this one is the PokeIsle Top Sites, the button looks like this, , and to vote for me you need to click it. I'd really apreciate it if you voted for me every time you come here, thanks.
11:59 EST - I've now joined the Pokemon Top 50. You don't have to click on the button, but something like this,
PokemonTop50 will be here indicating my position on the Top 50. I've also added a Poke Battles section with animated pictures of battles. Remember to vote for me on Articuno's Top 50 when you come here, it only takes a few seconds. The hits have seemed to pick up again, and after only a day or two on the top 50, this site is 3rd! If everyone votes once when they get here, it could be #1!


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GO TO THE CHEATS!- Awesome cheats, getting more all the time!!!
RUMORS AND FAKE CHEATS  - Watch out for these fake cheats and rumors!!!
POKEMON GOLD AND SILVER -Awesome information on Pokemon Gold and Silver!!!
WEIRD POKEMON - WeirdPokemon!!!
POKEMON PICTURES 2 - Awesome Pictures
LINKS- Great Links
 POKEMON BATTLESSee animated Poke battlesNEW!
And could you PLEASE sing my Guestbookit only takes seconds THANX
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